遠景 THE Whole View

1998-4 Enkei8A.JPG (6139 バイト) a distant view from a hill.
Enkei4A.JPG (6545 バイト) the floor space is designed to make us feel as if we were in a world made up of clouds.
Enkei3A.JPG (6129 バイト)
Sakuhin16A.JPG (6109 バイト) The front view of a grove coner, big wall (9m×16m),
main statues of a family (3.6m,h) and a pond.
Enkei9A.JPG (6310 バイト) a hill of muses and hill of Friendship are on the back side.
Itis wall on the right side.
A woods corner on the left side with many statues of trees.